
Peoples is peoples, Froggy.

So I got all pissed off. I changed my display name, I deleted a bunch of comments I'd left on other peoples' blogs, etc. Why would I do such an emotionally-charged, uncharacteristically me thing?

I've pretty much always held to the mantra: "I don't give a flying f--- what anybody thinks about me! I'm happy with me, so if the rest of the world doesn't like it, they can all get bent!" My steadfastness in this (as well as nonviolence) was shaken recently.

To make a long, sordid, and truth be told: boring-as-hell story short, I took a side in a blog fued. I've since learned that this is something no one should ever do unless they are completely ready to die for their side. It got ugly, and one of the jack-offs on the other side decided I was a good personal target. (Honestly, I think it was because I seemed to be the only one on my particular side that was expressing myself clearly enough to BE a target.) So, he shifted his stance, cocked his arm back, and started firing steamy, smelly, sticky excrement at me - instead of his declared enemy: the girl whose blog it was in the first place.

I can take insults. You can tell me I'm ugly, stupid, fat, a horrible dancer (this is a given), or WHATEVER really, but based on what I've written to date, you can probably imagine that I feel the sting when someone says I'm fake. Especially about how I express myself.

--------------FOR THE RECORD---------------------
I can take constructive criticism. Telling me I try to write with more intelligence than I actually possess is fine, but don't tell me I'm not to use certain words based on my geographic location.

That's what he did.

I use the old form of the word "shit" sometimes. "Shit" is one of my favorite words and rarely do I hear it without at least smiling (seriously, ask my wife), but sometimes, I say "shite" for a change of pace or to lighten my inference. I also use the words:

. . . . the list goes on!

I like words that aren't typically American because I view the typical American as a blunderer and (to put it kindly) not all that adept at the very language they insist everyone else lean.

I don't believe I'm being fake for attempting to broaden my vocabulary. There are just some WANKERS out there who don't appreciate it. Well, bollocks to them, yeah?


In other news,

My business may have just turned a corner! I made several sales calls yesterday, made some fantastic contacts, and hopefully got my foot in several doors - quite literally. I may begin working with real estate stagers to get some residential work! I'm really excited about it, but it's not really interesting enough to blog about, so MOVING ON!


I watched "Juno" tonight. I really liked this film. There were some parts I felt a tad awkward watching, but on the whole, I enjoyed it. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get around to watching "Hot Fuzz."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went and saw Juno a while ago too. I enjoyed it, but probably not as much as if I hadn't seen Garden State already. Juno, the character, fit this oddball, tomboy archetype that Natalie Portman's character did, even in the relationship with their fictional significant others.

I'm with you on the uncomfortability. Any scenes with Jason Bateman had the power to make me shift in my seat.
